Welcome to the Home Page for the Thurlby Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan:

A neighbourhood development plan is important for communities, as it gives them a voice to influence how their community
should develop over the next twenty years. The plan when ratified and approved through a local community referendum, is
a legal document which is bound to be consulted by planning Authorities and developers when putting forward development
sites for housing, business and renewable energy.

'BACKGROUND' This column shows evidence based information that supports the neighbourhood plan. We have added photographs
of notable areas of character within the village as well as outstanding aerial and landscape views of the surrounding countryside.

'CREDENTIALS' This column shows the supporting documents, methods & summary conclusions including records of all our meetings
over the past 24 months.

Firstly, click the question marks to see the foundation behind these documents and then click the blue arrow to view them.


Character Assessment...................
Meetings 2015.............................
Thurlby Parish Footpaths...............
Meetings 2016.............................
Footpaths shown on OS map.........
Meetings 2017.............................
Lincs Countryside Access Mapping..
Meetings 2018.............................
Aerial photos...............................
Basic Conditions Statement.........
Thurlby Parish Survey.................
Thurlby Neighbourhood Plan........
Consultation Statement...............

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